Code By Roger Frybarger

Image of Roger

Hello and welcome to my personal website! I am Roger frybarger. This page is meant to act as a listing of various things that I have either worked on or find interesting. If you would like more information about me personally, please check out my skills list where I cover my background along with some of the activities I enjoy doing. Otherwise, feel free to explore the list below:

My passion project is Roger's Math Whiteboard, which you can preview online here. Or, if you would prefer to download the full desktop app, you can go to the website that I have created precisely for that purpose over at You can also contact me through that site as well if you want. However, since you are here, please explore the following random links and pages that I have created:

I have created an online calculator for converting lines from one form to y=mx+b. It can be found here.

I have created an online calculator for exploring and sizing rainwater collection systems. It can be found here.

I have created a page explaining how my mother and I managed to digitize over 3000 photos in about 2.5 months worth of free time. You can find it here.

I have created a program to smoothly reduce the hotend temperature while 3d printing. I use it to increase bed adhesion while still avoid printing the rest of the part too hot. This program can be found here.

I have created a program to easilly create temperate towers. It can be found here.

I have become an online math and computer programming tutor!!! My tutoring website can be found here. To schedule a tutoring session with me, simply find an open time on my calendar and then fill out the applicable form.

I have launched a YouTube channel to explain my random projects in a bit more detail. It can be found here.

I have created a page explaining how I managed to grow a bunch of beans in the hot sonoran desert summer without daily watering, fertilizer, or any other soil amendments. You can find it here.

I hope you have enjoyed this page! Please check back sometime! I will be adding more cool stuff as my free time allows.